Meet Manel

I am a sixth-generation Malaysian. In my country, I went to a Tamil school - learned Malay language. Then I met my husband and fell in love - at a very young age, 17. My life is totally changed, different. After that, a lot of things happened because my husband was gambling. Arguments…I lost everything. I think ‘there’s no point’.

I struggled too much - too much, I struggled! Then, at the last moment, I left everything. I can’t speak English very well. I am very scared. But when I stepped into Australia - I don’t know…my life got very bright. I got sunshine. 

I first arrived in 2009. I asked for help from Vinnies and they gave me ASRC Batman St details. I went there and got a lot of information about everything. Free food, free English classes. I learnt more. I did a lot of cooking courses. I felt like I wanted to learn everything. I want to stand on my own.

Because ASRC is helping a lot for me - my visa, they give me a doctor, they give me work, counseling - I can give my cooking experience, I have to say ‘thank you’ for everything because they are wonderful people. They never see colour, they never say ‘who are you?’ They treat equally.

My dream, forever, is I want to be here, with my son. My future now has become better and better and better. When I came to Australia, I wasn’t good at English. I was a little bit scared of everything. I’m independent now – and strong. I’m so happy.