Meet Douha

Douha is a familiar face to the Journeys Café customers. She greets them each morning with a warm smile and a delicious coffee.

Before her time working at Journeys Café, Douha worked in the ASRC Catering kitchen in Fitzroy, bringing with her the delicious flavors of her home country, Lebanon. Douha’s cooking was so popular that she even has a dish on the menu—Douha’s falafel.

While living with her parents, Douha would help her mother and grandmother with cooking. “Please bring this one, bring this one and I see how afterwards they put in the meals.”

When a new opportunity presented itself at Journeys Café, Douha studied the barista course provided by the ASRC and now works at the café, taking pride in making a great cup of coffee.

Douha believes that the best thing about working with the ASRC is, “I meet a lot of people from different cultures.” She enjoys sharing with her colleagues and sees them as family.

Learn more about Douha’s story in the video below.